CARTRIDGE provides one-stop service from IT strategy planning and digital transformation to system implementation and maintainance.
We provide the latest and most effective technologies backed up with our in-house solution developments.

Our Service Slogan

Simple & Structured.

Corporate problems are gaining more complexity in these days. To solve them efficiently, we always keep in mind to simplify and structure the problems at the first attempt.

Think Creative.

Worn out technologies or knowledge are oftern useless. We always keep the creative and flexible minds to seek the best approach for the best result.

Stay Commitment.

We'll never give up. We always work hard to achieve the best result.

What We Offer

Business Process Consulting

Service example :

  • When renewing a core system, simply replacing the system cannot guarantee success. Along with system renewel, CARTRIDGE supports business process optimization, outsourcing of non-core business funcions, launching a shared service center, and more.
  • The value of a corporation is not decided by the company itself, but by its Value Chain. CARTRIDGE supports the restructuring of the Value Chain to gain a competitive edge in the latest industry scenarios.

Keywords :

  • Digital Transformation
  • Value Chain Restructuration
  • Business Process Transformation
  • Business Process Improvement
  • Management Accounting Improvement

IT Consulting

Service example :

  • The CIO is one of the most important role in modern enterprises, but many CIOs end up wasting their time on daily routine tasks. CARTRIDGE supports CIOs to be free from the routine work and focus on the new challenge.
  • In companies, many projects proceed at the same time, but many of them end in bad results. A project's success factors lie in its planning phase. CARTRIDGE supports project planning, using PDCA management to smoothly drive the project execution.
  • When it comes to IT projects, unfavorable vendor lock-in cases are common. CARTRIDGE leverages its legal and vendor management knowledge to support client project managers.

Keywords :

  • CIO Support
  • IT Strategy Planning
  • IT Investment Managment
  • IT Structure Planning, REP Management
  • Program Management
  • Project Management

Technology Consulting

Service example :

  • We will investigate and analyze the current situation of client companies, devise what kind of changes can be made by utilizing technology, and verify feasibility. We will create new customer value and maximize brand value via degitalization.
  • We will provide technical support for projects promoted by clients

Keywords :

  • Infrastructure
  • Cloud Computing
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Security
  • POC, Feasibility Study
  • Modernization

Data Analytics

Service example :

  • Due to limited data resources and collection methods, it has been difficult to gain deep insights through traditional data analysis. Today, the possibilities of data analysis are expanding with the explosive increase of data resources from websites, SNS, IoT and more. CARTRIDGE supports deep data analysis by leveraging integrated source data and statistical analysis methodologies.

Keywords :

  • Insight Analysis
  • Sales Forecast
  • Attribute-based Directivity Analysis

System Integration

Service example :

  • A simple model is designed by CARTRIDGE’s structuring technology for the core system and business management system for specific business. We will systematize this with a modern CARTRIDGE framework that is easy to use. We will undertake the system development in a specific area in the IT project promoted by the client.

Keywords :

  • Core system
  • Database integration
  • MDM system

Joint Development

Service example :

  • CARTRIDGE elevates solution proposals via the concept of total-system investment. We develop versatile solutions through joint investment with clients. This means we treat it not simply as an internal investment, but investment for the creation of new profit sources.

Keywords :

  • New Service Development
  • Monetization
  • Aggressive IT